Why Does My Baby Cry After Feeding?
Q: My baby starts crying after feeding and also hiccups a lot. Sometimes it seems like he is choking. However, he never throws up or spits. He arches his back, and for the last couple of nights he hasn’t been sleeping and looks like he is in a lot of pain. Could it be that he is allergic to my milk? Or maybe he has silent reflux? Any advice? Thank you so much!
A: Your mother’s intuition is very astute, as reflux and food allergies are the two most common causes of baby’s crying after feeding. First, journal what seems to trigger his upsets. Initially, suspect reflux: keep him upright for at least 20 minutes after feeding to let gravity help lessen the reflux. Next, feed him twice as often, half as much, burping him well as you change breasts. Smaller, more frequent feedings help lessen reflux. You will find a very detailed, step-by-step way of handing reflux on AskDrSears.com. Also, if the above isn’t helping, try eliminating wheat and dairy products in your diet for a week or two. Look on our website for further information about allergies in mother’s diet. Reflux is the more common cause of your baby’s problem, and the information about reflux on our website will not only give you the tools to help your baby’s reflux but will also guide you when to seek help from your baby’s doctor.
by Martha Sears, RN