“I am writing to clarify when to give a baby water. I’ve read the information that you have but I’m still confused. My baby is 4-months-old and exclusively breastfed. The water in our town does contain fluoride. I do not plan to start solids (cereal) until 6 months of age. Do I start giving water […]
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When is a Cold Contagious?
“What is the “rule of thumb” as far as a child being contagious after a cold virus? How many days until it is safe for my children to play with other children after they have been sick?” As far as colds go, there are over a hundred different viruses that can cause a common cold. […]
Choosing the Best Baby Shoe
Choosing the Best Baby Shoe “I have an eleven month old son who is healthy and growing in the 90th percentile. He is almost walking and we would like to introduce him to shoes. However, we have no idea how to begin. Could you guide us as to what to look for in infant shoes […]
Vivid Imagination Causing Anxiousness?
“My 22-month-old daughter has recently started asking both myself and her father “Is it okay?” often. Sometimes it is when she takes a fall, sometimes she asks us if we are okay (example maybe after she has done something that she knows she is not supposed to do) and she also has now started asking […]
Vapor Rub
“Is it safe to apply Vick’s to a 4-month-old’s chest to help him breathe through a runny nose and cough? (My 4-month-old weighs 26 lbs) This is our third day of the cold, and he seems to be wheezier and my mother thought it might help.” Yes, it is generally considered safe to apply vapor […]
Tuberculosis Test While Pregnant?
“I’m in my first trimester and will soon start volunteering in the public schools. Is it safe for me to get a TB test in my forearm?” Yes, according to the package insert for the TB test, there has never been a problem reported after giving an expectant mother a TB test. Dr. Jim
The Truth About Santa
“My husband and I are debating what to do about Christmas for our 20-month-old son this year. Since his birth we have followed the attachment parenting approach and, as such, we think it’s wrong to lie to him about Santa (i.e. building up an idea that there is magic in the world and then letting […]
Troublesome Toddler Behavior
“My 28-month-old daughter has started spitting whenever she is upset about something or doesn’t want to do something. I have tried saying, “Spitting is for outside only”, “spitting spreads germs” and putting her in a time-out (which she just continues to spit on whatever piece of furniture she is sitting on at the time). What […]
Transition to Own Bed
“When is the right time to transition children to sleeping in their own bed? I share my king size bed with my 4 ½-year-old on one side of me, and my 22-month-old on the other side of me. My husband sleeps on the couch. We both work and the arrangement is not a problem. The […]
Toxic Houseplants
“My daughter is moving around more and getting into everything! She recently pulled one of my house plants down and proceeded to put the leaves and dirt in her mouth. What plants should I avoid keeping around the house?”Here is a list of toxic plants that are commonly found in the home: Remember, if your […]
Toothpaste for Toddlers
“My 13-month-old baby does not like the taste of baby toothpaste. I have been brushing her teeth with a wet toothbrush without toothpaste so she will accept the toothbrush. Even then, it is sometimes a struggle. On the last visit, my pediatrician asked if we were using the baby toothpaste and said that we should […]
Tongue Tied Baby
“My sister’s baby has to have surgery for a tongue tie. Is surgery necessary?” The medical term for this is Ankyloglossia. This is when the little flap of tissue under the tongue (the frenulum) is attached a little to far up the front of the tongue. This does not allow the tongue to stick out […]