Temper Tantrums in 2-5 Year Olds A realistic fact of family life is that children can push our frustration buttons. We like to divide temper tantrums into two categories. The first category is manipulation temper tantrums. This is where a child uses obnoxious behavior in hopes of getting his way. The second category is frustration […]
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What’s New in Treating A.D.H.D.

Treating A.D.H.D. Now In the past couple of years many pediatricians, especially those in Sears Family Pediatrics, have changed the way we diagnose and treat A.D.H.D. Once upon a time, it was primarily treated with the pills model: “Child diagnosed with A.D.H.D., take this drug…” The new and improved way of treating A.D.H.D., and the […]
Sears’ Team Up with Mommy Answers and Huggies

Mommy Answers and Huggies Dr. Bill and Martha have teamed up with Huggies to contribute to their Mommy Answers page. This page on Huggies.com helps answer difficult questions regarding pregnancy and motherhood. Dr. Bill and Martha’s newest articles on Mommy Answers include: helpful ways to ease morning sickness, a great smoothie recipe, and ways to […]
Tips on Raising a Child with Down Syndrome

Raising a Child with Down Syndrome Our son Stephen is now 26, and as we look back we see things we did right and things we could have done better. First is to realize that these children have differences more than disorders and disabilities. And, remember, the current motto of The National Down Syndrome Congress: […]
Duchess Kate Follows Dr. Sears’ Advice
Duchess Kate Follows Dr. Sears’ Advice on Parenting We in the Dr. Sears family are pleased to hear that the royal family has chosen the attachment style of parenting to raise baby George. This article in US Weekly is so complimentary to William and Kate’s parenting priorities. We love the example they are setting! It […]
Holiday Temper Tantrums

Handling Holiday Temper Tantrums Holiday stress can take a toll on the whole family including your children. An increase in temper tantrums is not uncommon. Understanding the common holiday temper tantrum triggers will help you be better prepared to handle them in case your little one starts to have one. Holiday Temper Tantrums and… Shopping […]
Sugar and Toddler Dental Health

Sugar and Toddler Dental Health Around Halloween time, I got to thinking about an interesting recent encounter I had with a child and her parent in our office: Parents are constantly worried about their child’s dental health, and rightly so. This parent was telling me, “Doctor I just can’t seem to give my child anything […]
October: Attachment Parenting Month

Attachment Parenting Month This October we celebrate Attachment Parenting Month with Attachment Parenting International. This vision is to create one strong voice for Attachment Parenting by participating in activities, events and to celebrate this year’s theme “Parenting Creatively: The Art of Parenting.” We encourage you to have fun with your children and inspire their creativity […]
Sugar-Sweetened Drinks Promote Obesity in Children
New Study Links High-Sugar Drinks with Unhealthy Weight Gain in Young Children The consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks has been thoroughly studied and linked to bad health and weight gain in adults as well as older children. Dr. Bill and Martha Sears have given hundreds of talks about the harmful effects of drinks high in sugar […]
Breastfeeding Grows Smarter Kids

Can Breastfeeding Really Improve Your Child’s IQ? Martha and I have always been big proponents of breastfeeding and it was especially important to us that all of our children were breastfed. Even our adopted daughter was fed with breastmilk from a circle of “milk moms”. There are so many benefits from breastfeeding and this recent […]
Dr. Jim Sears Speaking Engagements

Find the Doctors The Sears Family maintains a very active schedule full of hospital visits, community activities, and speaking engagements as they continue to further their efforts to spread health and happiness to families around the word. Follow Dr. Jim Sears as he co-hosts NBCs popular TV show, The Doctors, and make plans to connect with […]
The Healthy Pregnancy Book

From Dr. Sears, a Guide for a Healthy Pregnancy and Baby THE HEALTHY PREGNANCY BOOK guides expectant mothers and fathers through all stages of pregnancy from preconception through birth, focusing on how to enhance the health of mother and baby. In this uniquely authoritative and comprehensive month-by-month guide, the Searses address emotional and physical changes […]