“My infant is 8-months-old, still breastfeeding a lot, and eating baby jar food about twice a day and cereal in the morning. She is really getting interested about feeding herself. I have given her the teething biscuits. Is there anything I can chop and mush up for her to feed herself? My grandma suggested jello. Is that a no-no?”
I would avoid the jello, just because of the sugar factor. Of the foods on our list for this age (California avocados, mashed potatoes, peaches, barley cereal, carrots, squash, teething biscuits, pear and apple juice) avocado would be ideal, you could easily chop it into little bite-sized pieces to make a finger food. In another month, she can move to the next section of the list (lamb, veal, tofu, poultry, noodles, bagel, beans, rice cakes, peas, egg yolk, yams, cheese, oatmeal and yogurt) and there are a lot of finger foods available.
Click here to view the entire infant feeding “at-a-glance” guide or here for more info on feeding infants and toddlers. .
Dr. Jim