Is is a good idea to allow older children in the delivery room?
Reader Question:
“What do you think about a 5-year-old witnessing his younger sibling’s birth in the delivery room? He has seen birth videos on television as well as his own, and we also have a book of the developing fetus month to month that we read through very often. He does come to my doctor visits and has seen every ultrasound with us. The visits are only tummy checks, but he is aware of where the babies come out. I don’t want this to negatively affect him in any way, but we also want him to be a part of the experience. Would you recommend children in the delivery room be present during the entire process?”
AskDrSears Response:
Knowing whether to have your children in the delivery room is a very personal choice that is dependent on the child and the family dynamics. The older sibling’s personality will also play an important role in this decision.
In the Sears family, many of the younger siblings were born at home, under the care of a midwife. The other siblings were present and it seemed to be a positive experience. My sister, Hayden, was 3 or 4 when she was able to watch her sister, Erin, be born. It was a special family time, and a completely positive experience.
I would recommend that you should have someone that can take the kids to another room and be with them if things get crazy in the delivery room.
Dr. Jim