“When is it ok to take a newborn out in public (church, etc.) and to have regular visitors? I have a 23-month-old and a 1-week-old (breastfed). I have been letting a couple of the 23-month-old’s toddler friends come over to play because she is having a bit of a hard time with the transition – she is very attached to me and misses the alone time.”
Whenever I send a newborn home from the hospital, I recommend that parents avoid crowded areas (like church) and other kids for few months. Most preschool age kids either have a cold, are just getting over a cold, or are about to come down with a cold! This is especially true during the school year. Now, your 23-month-old and her friends might be young enough to be avoiding the “snots” if they aren’t in day-care or preschool yet. I would just be a little bit picky about which friends come over – talk to their moms about your concern for “no germs”. Regarding going out in public: fresh air and walks in the park are great, just avoid the crowds. Get in the habit of washing your hands – a lot. A bottle of hand sanitizer is great for a quick hand-wash when you leave the grocery store or the mall.
It will also be important to spend a little one-on-one time with your older child – when you can. Also having more “dad-time” can help her feel special.
Dr. Jim