Most parents can tell if their child is not getting enough sleep. My four year-old son is an angel when he is well rested, but when he is behind on sleep... watch out! Here are…
"I was wondering just how much Iron does an 18 m. old need? My son is about 25 pounds and 32.5 inches tall. My husband and I are vegetarians, and though we would let our…
"I am currently breastfeeding and want to be able to pump and feed an occasional bottle when someone else needs to watch my baby. He is 6 weeks of age and has gained weight of…
"How long can bottled breastmilk remain out of the refrigerator? Sometimes the baby does not drink the whole bottle. May I re-refrigerate what is left? " Hi Barbara, thanks for your question. This can be…
"My 2-year-old throws a major fit every time she doesn't get her way. She has several major tantrums every day. How can I get through this stage and retain my sanity? Temper Tantrums The first…
"My fifteen month old is the pickiest eater on the planet. She eats almost nothing, and I am afraid she is going to waste away. How can I get her to eat more?"Picky Eaters Although…
"I am wondering how the baby breathes while in the amniotic fluid? How can the baby breathe in water?" Many people ponder this, as I get this question from time to time. The answer is:…
"My infant has cradle cap. Can you tell me how to treat this?" Cradle cap, or seborrheic dermatitis, occurs in most infants during the first few months of life. It is a crusty, oily build…
"I am 31-years-old and have a 14-year-old daughter and a 4-month-old daughter. I am a single mom. My infant is a "high need" baby. I am worried about going back to work. I obviously have…
"My seven-month-old has suddenly stopped nursing. He has refused to take the breast for two days now. He won't take the bottle either. I have heard this referred to as a "nursing strike." How to…
"My three-year-old won't fall asleep unless my husband or I lie down with her. She is no longer nursing, but still requires 45 minutes of snuggle time to fall asleep. How can I wean her…
HOW CAN I CHANGE MY 3-M-O HIGH NEED BABY SO SHE DOESN'T NEED TO BE HELD ALL THE TIME? "I'm desperate for your help. I have a beautiful, alert, healthy, strong and happy daughter (3…