"My 3-year-old daughter is being evaluated for Autism. If she is diagnosed with Autism she will be on the mild end. However, I am 9 months pregnant with my second child and not only fearful…
"I was in the process of making food, someone challenged me and said they thought baby food in a bottle was more fresh and nutritious than homemade baby food. He said since bottled baby food…
"I read that it is ok to have a drink of alcohol while breastfeeding as long as you do it right after breastfeeding and then don't nurse again for at least two hours after. Wouldn't…
Acidophilus While on Antibiotics "If someone is on antibiotics.........three times per day...how much yogurt should be eaten daily to prevent the killing of "good" bacteria?" While on antibiotics, a person should take a “probiotic”. The…
New research supports what mothers have long believed, that babies in the womb hear what's going on outside. Even more intriguing, there is evidence that babies may share in their mothers' emotions. For centuries many…
"My grandfather just passed away and I am unsure of whether I should take my 4-year-old to the funeral. I do not know if it will be open casket or not" I get the sense…
"Hello, I had a question in regards to a having a second baby. My first born will be 21 months when the second baby arrives. I was hoping that Dr. Sears would have a book…
"Help! My 18-month-old baby is waking up in our bed every hour to breastfeed. She has been doing this for months, and I just can't take it anymore. I don't want to completely wean her,…
ANTIBIOTICS MAY NOT BE NEEDED FOR SOME EAR INFECTIONS A recent study at Children's Hospital Los Angeles questioned the need to treat uncomplicated ear infections with antibiotics. Doctors reviewed 74 research trials done between 1966…
The CDC announced this month that a total of 88 cases of this disease have been reported this year - 58 in Louisiana, 22 in Mississippi, and 8 in Texas. Only 4 people have died.…
Introducing the newest book from the Sears Parenting Library: THE PORTABLE PEDIATRICIAN Everything You Need to Know About Your Child's Health Coming this February, see below to pre-order now! Imagine you are up at three…
Dr. Bill Sears was featured on ABC's GMA Health on October 20, 2011 where he offered tips on the best ways to keep kids healthy during cold and flu season. The segment focuses on the…