Information on How to Identify Abdominal Pain The scenarios below are all very common situations many parents face, and for most kids, the pain is mild and temporary. Many parents may also think their older child is faking or exaggerating the symptoms, especially when doctors don’t seem too concerned. However, dealing with long-term stomach aches means […]
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Elimination Diet While Breastfeeding

Elimination Diet for Breastfeeding Mothers Martha recommends the elimination diet in her lactation-counseling practice whenever she suspects a baby’s colic could be caused by sensitivities to food in a breastfeeding mother’s diet. This diet was developed by William G. Crook, M.D. (Detecting Your Hidden Allergies, Jackson, Tenn: Professional Books, 1987), and it has several variations, depending […]
31 Ways to Get Baby to Sleep

Ways to Get Your Baby to Sleep and Stay Asleep Over the years of putting our own children to sleep, keeping them asleep, and counseling thousands of other moms and dads on various styles of nighttime parenting, here are some time-tested, proven attitudes and techniques for getting baby to sleep. Most of these are applicable […]
6 Ways to Getting Baby to Sleep Through the Night

Getting Baby to Sleep Through the Night High need babies not only need help to fall asleep, they often need help staying asleep. Here are ways for getting baby to sleep through the night so that you can stay asleep, too. 1. Sleep Where Baby Sleeps Best Every mom, dad, and baby must work out […]
Gassy Baby

Comfort Your Gassy Baby Swallowing air and passing gas is common in infancy. However, excessive intestinal gas can make a young baby miserable. A mother of one of my gassy little patients describes these bloated episodes: When my daughter is trying to pass gas, it is like a mother going through a difficult labor. How […]
Parent-to-Parent: 21 Survival Tips for Parents of High Need Children

You Will Survive. Your Child Will Thrive. Life Will Go On. Still, it’s hard to imagine even wanting to have another baby after you’ve held this one all day and been awakened three or more times at night. It’s hard to envision someone ever saying to you, “How blessed you are to have such an […]
Nighttime Parenting

Making Nighttime Parenting a Better Experience During the first year, you will spend lots of time feeding your baby at night, so you might as well enjoy it. You have two nighttime parenting goals: get sufficient rest yourself and meet the nutritional and emotional needs of your infant. Remember, a happy mother and a well-fed […]
7 Benefits of Attachment Parenting

Benefits of Attachment Parenting for the Entire Family Attachment parenting offers so many wonderful benefits for not just mother and baby, but the whole family. 1. Mutual Giving The more you give to your baby the more baby gives back to you. Small and quiet moments of pure joy when your baby smiles at you […]
Inconsolable Crying: Common Causes and Treatment

What to Do With an Inconsolable Baby? If your child is crying inconsolably it can be very troublesome for parents and children. Here are some tips to help you determine the cause of your baby’s inconsolable crying and what you can do to provide the proper relief to your child. Common Reasons for Your Baby […]
Hidden Medical Causes of Night Waking

Causes of Night Waking for Babies As a pediatrician, one of the reasons I am becoming increasingly cautious about insensitively using the cry-it-out approach to get babies to sleep longer is that doctors and parents assume that a night waking baby has bad sleeping habits and they miss underlying painful causes of night waking. Suspect […]
How to Help Reflux: Feeding and Sleeping Tips

Tips to Help Your Baby with Reflux Question: My 2-month-old daughter is constantly spitting up through her nose and mouth at the same time. I have her sleeping in a rock and play on an incline, should I be transitioning her to a flat surface to help with her reflux? I’m just very concerned with choking. […]
Try This if you are an Allergy Sufferer

THERE’S ONE MAJOR THING EVERY ALLERGY SUFFERER SHOULD TRY FIRST Introducing The Allergy Book: Solving Your Family’s Nasal Allergies, Asthma, Food Sensitivities, and Related Health and Behavioral Problems. It comes out April 7 and is available for preorder wherever books are sold online. Here’s a sneak peak into just one of our many approaches to […]