“My 12-week-old is 16 lbs and healthy but often VERY uncomfortable due to extreme overactive let-down when I breastfeed. How do I control this or reduce my milk supply!? I never thought too much of a good thing could be SO hard to handle. Thank you!” When a mother has a forceful let-down reflex, the […]
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Does My Toddler Need Cow’s Milk?
“Hi, Matthew was one-year-old on January 15th and is still breastfeeding. He eats a wide variety of solid foods… although in smaller quantities lately. My question is do I have to give him cow’s milk ever? I gave up dairy because he was a very colicky and high need newborn. I tried introducing yogurt-he spit […]
7 Ways to Bond With Preborn Baby
New research supports what mothers have long believed, that babies in the womb hear what’s going on outside. Even more intriguing, there is evidence that babies may share in their mothers’ emotions. For centuries many cultures have believed that some sort of emotional network operated between mother and baby, and for this reason admonished mothers […]
5 Coping Tips For Parents
Besides comforting your baby, it’s important to comfort yourself. Here are some time-tested ways of surviving and thriving with your colicky baby: 1. Realize it’s not your fault. Oftentimes the cause of your baby’s cries cannot be found. You need not feel that it’s your fault if your baby cries a lot, nor is it […]
Benefits of Babywearing
Benefits of Babywearing for Your Baby It is natural for baby to be close to his mother. Babies are happiest when being held by mom. Babywearing is a great practice for keeping baby happy and to help build a stronger bond between mom and her baby. The benefits of babywearing help babies grow up smarter […]
Baby Calmers

Time-Tested Baby Calmers Checklist A majority of parents can agree that calming a baby can be quite a task. You’ve tried everything you can think of to get them to take an afternoon nap, go to bed for the evening, or just make them feel more comfortable when they might be sick. If you feel […]
Why Babies Fuss
3 Reasons As to Why Babies Fuss Very simply, babies fuss for the same reasons adults fuss: they hurt either physically or emotionally, or they need something. There is a wide spectrum of types of crying. At the quieter end is the baby who fusses to be picked up but is easily comforted and satisfied […]
6 Ways to Make Dancing With Your Baby Fun

Great Tips for Dancing With Your Baby Dancing with your baby snuggled close to you provides the kind of rhythmic motion and comforting contact that infants like. In baby dancing, style is as important as getting the steps right. Here are some tips that can make dancing with your baby more comforting and more fun. […]
Baby Won’t Sleep
Why Baby Won’t Sleep I often get questions from parents about why their baby won’t sleep. A baby that wakes constantly throughout the night and is not easily comforted can be very concerning for a parent. This is a question recently asked of me at my practice: My three-month-old is constantly waking up during the […]
Gastroesophageal Reflux (GER)

Gastroesophageal Reflux: A Hidden Cause of Colic Once upon a time a fussy baby was labeled with “colic,” which is really a five-letter word for “the doctor doesn’t know why.” New insights into the cause of colicky behavior and frequent, painful nightwaking episodes reveal that oftentimes babies hurt because of some underlying medical problem. In […]

Maintain a Healthy Digestive System With a Probiotic Lactobacillus GG (LGG) is a probiotic strain of “friendly” bacteria found in the intestines (called flora) and needed to maintain a healthy balance in the human digestive system. LGG is currently considered the “gold standard” of probiotics, having been the subject of more than 250 human clinical […]
Lead Poisoning
Dangers Lead Poisoning Can Have Lead poisoning from eating lead-based paint chips resulted in a government ban on lead-based paint in 1978. Homes built after 1980 are required by law to use lead-free paint. So the problem should be over. Not true. While the signs of lead poisoning have long been recognized, recent research has […]