Dr. Jim Sears and Hayden Sears are answering questions on the Dr. Sears Family Podcast. Tune in to join the Sears Family as they talk about parenting questions they’ve received, discuss a wide range of topics related to raising healthy families, and share stories from the Sears household. From pregnancy and behavior to health and nutrition, join the Searses as they speak first-hand about their parenting adventures.
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James M. Sears, MD or “Dr. Jim,” as he is known in the office, is a pediatrician in private practice with his father and brother in Southern California. Dr. Jim earned his medical degree at St. Louis University School of Medicine in 1996 and completed his pediatric residency at Northeastern Ohio University College of Medicine, Tod Children’s Hospital in Youngstown, Ohio in 1999. During his residency, he received the honor of “Emergency Medicine Resident of the Year.” He has been featured on Parenting.com’s “Ask the Experts,” and has written for “Parenting” and “BabyTalk” magazines. Dr. Sears’ medical advice has been featured on “Dr. Phil” and the PBS parenting series, “Help Me Grow.”