Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration Your child has had vomiting and/or diarrhea for three days, refuses to eat, will only take a few sips of juice, seems less active, and is urinating less often than usual. You begin to worry about dehydration. Here are some tips to help you determine how dehydrated your child might […]
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What to Do If Your Child Has Diarrhea You are playing happily with your baby when you suddenly detect a rather unpleasant odor emanating from the diaper area. When you open up the diaper to change it, instead of the usual soft yellow stool, you find a greenish-brown, runny, foul-smelling mess that’s all over both […]
Vomiting in Children

What to Do When Your Child is Throwing Up Your normally happy and playful 2-year-old has not been himself all day. He’s been clingy, fussy, and has refused to eat his favorite foods. Then out of nowhere, he starts throwing up what you think was breakfast. It doesn’t stop there. For the next three hours, […]
How You May Feel in the First Trimester of Pregnancy

What You’ll Feel in the First Trimester of Pregnancy During the first trimester of pregnancy, most women “feel” pregnant with at least a little bit of nausea and fatigue. By now the hormone levels necessary for growing your uterus and your baby are elevated, causing an emotional and physical metamorphosis that is pretty much beyond […]
Medications for Pregnancy Diarrhea

Should You take Pregnancy Diarrhea Medication? Pregnancy diarrhea can be uncomfortable, however, no antidiarrhea medications (even those obtained over-the-counter) should be taken without your doctor’s advice. Increased intestinal motility and consequent diarrhea is the body’s natural way of getting rid of harmful bacteria/toxins. Medicines that slow down intestinal motility can be dangerous. Slowing down motility […]
Pedialyte Popsicles
“My son really likes the Pedialyte popsicles. Is it safe for him to eat them when he is not experiencing an illness (such as diarrhea and vomiting)?” Pedialyte is a good liquid to give children when they are dehydrated from an illness. It is formulated for better fluid absorption than other household beverages. Sick children […]