Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration Your child has had vomiting and/or diarrhea for three days, refuses to eat, will only take a few sips of juice, seems less active, and is urinating less often than usual. You begin to worry about dehydration. Here are some tips to help you determine how dehydrated your child might […]
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Antibiotic Side Effects

Most Common Antibiotic Side Effects in Children #1: Diarrhea Not only do the antibiotics kill the bacteria causing the ear infection, but they also kill the friendly bacteria, called flora, that live in your child’s intestines. These friendly bacteria normally regulate the consistency of the stools and help with digestion. Eliminating these bacteria can cause […]

Symptoms, Treatment, and Explanation of Roseola You’re worried because your one-year-old has had a high fever for the past three days. This morning the fever seems to have subsided, but your child has suddenly broken out with a red rash all over the body. What could this be? Is it serious? Should you rush to […]
Medications for Pregnancy Diarrhea

Should You take Pregnancy Diarrhea Medication? Pregnancy diarrhea can be uncomfortable, however, no antidiarrhea medications (even those obtained over-the-counter) should be taken without your doctor’s advice. Increased intestinal motility and consequent diarrhea is the body’s natural way of getting rid of harmful bacteria/toxins. Medicines that slow down intestinal motility can be dangerous. Slowing down motility […]
The Scoop on Comfortable Poop by Dr Poo

Helping Your Family Understand Poop and Digestion During my 50 years as a doctor, I have spent the most time discussing gut concerns with parents – what goes into the top end (food) and what comes out of the bottom end (poop). There has been a surge of new research about the importance of dietary fibers, […]
Is Your Child Too Sick for Daycare?

How to Tell if Your Baby is Too Sick for Daycare It’s seven in the morning and family rush hour begins. The tea kettle is whistling, the toaster’s popping, and the traffic report is the usual bad news. Enter a whine that will turn your already overbooked day upside down. By reflex you lay hands […]
Summertime Illnesses

Most Common Summertime Illnesses Most people recognize winter as cold and flu season, spring as allergy season, and fall as back-to-school strep throat and cold season. What about summer? Is this the season when illnesses take a vacation too and leave our kids alone for a few months? That would be nice! There are, unfortunately, […]
Pedialyte Popsicles
“My son really likes the Pedialyte popsicles. Is it safe for him to eat them when he is not experiencing an illness (such as diarrhea and vomiting)?” Pedialyte is a good liquid to give children when they are dehydrated from an illness. It is formulated for better fluid absorption than other household beverages. Sick children […]
Acidophilus While on Antibiotics
Acidophilus While on Antibiotics “If someone is on antibiotics………three times per day…how much yogurt should be eaten daily to prevent the killing of “good” bacteria?” While on antibiotics, a person should take a “probiotic”. The antibiotic kills all the good bacteria in your gut, and you get diarrhea, cramps, bloating. Acidophilus (or other probiotics) will […]
Frequently Asked Questions About Echinacea
Frequently Asked Questions About Echinacea What is it and how does it work? Echinacea is one of the top-selling herbal remedies throughout the world. It is also one of the oldest. Not only has this healing herb enjoyed long popularity, it also has been the subject of much scientific research. Echinacea is a native American […]