Selecting Smart Supplements Let’s take a moment to talk about supplements. If we all lived in a perfect nutritional world—one where we grew our own food on our own farm, and ate only what we grew, fished, or hunted—we probably wouldn’t need nutrition in a pill. “Supplements” are just that. They fill in the nutritional […]
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Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration Your child has had vomiting and/or diarrhea for three days, refuses to eat, will only take a few sips of juice, seems less active, and is urinating less often than usual. You begin to worry about dehydration. Here are some tips to help you determine how dehydrated your child might […]
Treating Burns

Dr. Sears Guide to Treating Burns As you are fixing your hair in the morning, you set the curling iron down on the counter. Your one-year-old has been watching you, fascinated by this strange object. You turn your back for a second, and he eagerly grabs onto the hot iron.This is a very common situation […]
Your Changing Body in the Third Month of Pregnancy

Physical Changes in the Third Month of Pregnancy Your continually rising hormones and your growing baby continue to make their presence felt. Nausea, vomiting, heartburn, and constipation often continue during the third month of pregnancy but typically begin to subside by the end of this month. In addition to these familiar discomforts, you may have […]
Bottle Alternatives

Bottle Alternatives To Consider At times, it may be necessary to give breastfed baby supplements of expressed breastmilk or infant formula. However, using an artificial nipple (i.e., any nipple that’s not attached to mom) to feed a young breastfeeding infant is likely to lead to nipple confusion. The sucking technique that baby learns from the […]
Baby’s Eye is Scratched

Proper Treatment for a Baby Eye Scratch Little babies love to explore their faces with their hands. Unfortunately, the combination of sharp nails and curious fingers is a set up for baby’s eye to be scratched. 5 Signs Your Baby’s Eye is Scratched Red-eye – the “whites” of the eye will be very sore and […]
Common Rashes & Treatments for Babies, Toddlers & Children

Terminology and Types of Common Childhood Rashes You are dressing your 3-year-old child when you notice a rough, pimply red rash on her back and chest. You also find it on her arms and legs. What could it be? Should you call the doctor? You pick your 6-year-old up from school and notice his cheeks […]
Foods That Cause Colic When Breastfeeding

Colic-Causing Foods to Watch For Mother-infant dining partners can enjoy a bountiful menu. But some babies are sensitive to certain foods in mother’s diet (See What’s Colic? Does Your Baby Have Colic? How to Tell). Colic-causing foods can enter your breast milk and upset your baby. This can happen as early as two hours after […]
Cuts, Scrapes and Stitches
Dr. Sears Guide to Cuts, Scrapes and Stitches You hear a loud thud and then screaming from the next room. You run in to find your three-year-old sitting on the floor, holding her forehead, while blood streams down her face. You look at the cut and blood seems to be pouring out. By the time […]
Closing Vagina
Closing Vagina Commonly during the first year or two you may notice that the slit-like opening in your daughter’s vagina begins to close. Mention this to your doctor during your baby’s regular checkup. Called labial adhesions , this condition occurs because the sides of the vaginal opening are so close to each other that they […]
Foreign Objects In the Nose

Identifying and Removing Foreign Objects In the Nose An article reported in the December 2015 issue of The Wall Street Journal called attention to how frequently children stuff harmful objects in the nose. The usual culprits were cherries, chickpeas, nuts, ladybugs, pebbles and, can you believe it, little flat batteries. While most of these were […]
Getting Enough Milk? How to Tell

I’m worried my baby isn’t getting enough milk. How can I know for sure? Rather than worrying and wondering about whether your breastfed baby is getting enough milk, check the following signs: NUMBER OF WET DIAPERS • A baby who is getting enough milk will have 4 to 6 wet diapers a day by the […]