Breastfed Baby Weight Gain A breastfed baby’s weight gain is one of the indicators of whether or not the mother is producing a sufficient amount of milk. New mothers are zealous weight watchers. While it’s not true that good weight gain is an index of good mothering, a baby’s weight gain may be some tangible […]
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12 Signs Your Baby is High Need

“Why is my baby so different? She is not like any of my friends’ babies. They sleep through the night. They’re happy being held by anyone. My friends don’t seem as tired as I am. What am I doing wrong?” Sound familiar? Your baby acts the way she does because that’s the way she is. […]
Dr. Bill Sears
Enjoying Sex While Pregnant

You Will feel Different about Sex While Pregnant Pregnancy can change your appetite for many of life’s simple pleasures, from making dinner to making love. How you will feel about sex while pregnant depends on your individual feelings about sex, your partner’s feelings and the physical and emotional changes of this particular pregnancy. We can […]
Dr. Bill Sears