Safely Treating Sinus Congestion While Pregnant These five tips for treating sinus congestion while pregnant can help you get over your stuffy nose without using medication that might pose a risk to baby. 1. Avoid Allergens and Pollutants Avoid unnecessary exposure to nasal allergens and pollutants, such as smog and cigarette smoke. 2. Keep Yourself […]
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Co-Sleeping: Yes, No, Sometimes?

Co-Sleeping Is Not Necessarily Bad Our first three babies were easy sleepers. We felt no need or desire to have them share our bed. Besides, I was a new member of the medical profession whose party line was that co-sleeping with babies was weird and even dangerous. Then along came our fourth child, Hayden, born […]
Healthy Weight Gain During Pregnancy

9 Questions on Healthy Weight Gain During Pregnancy It is usual to put on some extra weight while pregnant, but how much is too much? The answers to these nine questions about healthy weight gain during pregnancy prepare you with the knowledge of what to expect. 1. Q. How much weight is a healthy weight gain? […]
Average Breastfed Baby Weight Gain

Breastfed Baby Weight Gain A breastfed baby’s weight gain is one of the indicators of whether or not the mother is producing a sufficient amount of milk. New mothers are zealous weight watchers. While it’s not true that good weight gain is an index of good mothering, a baby’s weight gain may be some tangible […]
Elimination Diet While Breastfeeding

Elimination Diet for Breastfeeding Mothers Martha recommends the elimination diet in her lactation-counseling practice whenever she suspects a baby’s colic could be caused by sensitivities to food in a breastfeeding mother’s diet. This diet was developed by William G. Crook, M.D. (Detecting Your Hidden Allergies, Jackson, Tenn: Professional Books, 1987), and it has several variations, depending […]
Cough Suppressant Dosage

Cough Suppressant Dosage for Child Recommended cough suppressants: Delsym (12 months and up) Benylin Pediatric (6 months and up) Robitussin Pediatric Cough Suppressant (6 months and up) See below for dosage charts. Ingredient: Dextromethorphan The Dextromethorphan (DM for short) is a cough suppressant. It acts by blocking the cough reflex center in the brain. It […]

Meningitis – Causes, Symptoms & Treatment This is one of the most feared illnesses that worry many parents. Anytime a child complains of a headache and has a fever, the thought goes through the parent’s mind, “Could this be meningitis? Is it going around right now? Is my child going to have brain damage?” Meningitis is […]
10 Ways to Reduce Your Dietary Fat
Ways to Reduce Your Dietary Fat The less fat goes into your mouth, the less fat is deposited in your body. The healthiest diet not only has less total fat, but also has more of the right kind of fats. Eat the right amount and right kinds of fat. How much fat is the right […]
Most and Least Allergenic Foods
Most and Least Allergenic Foods Most-Allergenic Foods berries buckwheat chocolate cinnamon citrus fruits coconut corn dairy products egg whites mustard nuts peas peanut butter pork shellfish soy sugar tomatoes wheat yeast Least-Allergenic Foods apples apricots asparagus avocados barley beets broccoli carrots cauliflower chicken cranberries dates grapes honey lamb lettuce mangoes oats papayas peaches pears poi […]