Baby Wakes Up When Putting into Bed “Every time I put down my sleeping baby, she wakes up. Help!” This is a situation that frustrates almost every parent at some time. Realize first of all that this is very normal. It is not that you are doing anything wrong or that something is unusual with […]
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Bottle Alternatives

Bottle Alternatives To Consider At times, it may be necessary to give breastfed baby supplements of expressed breastmilk or infant formula. However, using an artificial nipple (i.e., any nipple that’s not attached to mom) to feed a young breastfeeding infant is likely to lead to nipple confusion. The sucking technique that baby learns from the […]
8-M-O Recently Started Night Waking

Baby Started Night Waking: What to Do? “My 8-month-old son used to sleep through the night just fine. But for the past 2 months, he started night waking 4 or 5 times a night fussing and wants to nurse. He sleeps in our bed with us. I know it may be teething, but I am […]
Nighttime Parenting

Making Nighttime Parenting a Better Experience During the first year, you will spend lots of time feeding your baby at night, so you might as well enjoy it. You have two nighttime parenting goals: get sufficient rest yourself and meet the nutritional and emotional needs of your infant. Remember, a happy mother and a well-fed […]
12 Alternatives for the All-Night Toddler Nurser

Suggestions for Dealing with an All-Night Toddler Nurser Frequent night nursing is characteristic of high-need children. It’s like going to their favorite restaurant. The ambiance is peaceful, the server is familiar, the cuisine is superb, and they love the management. Who can blame the all-night gourmet? Yet as baby ages and turns into a toddler, […]
Tips on How to Awaken and Feed a Sleepy Baby

Help Baby Awaken and Feed More Eagerly Certain situations require baby to be awakened and fed promptly. Consider these tips for a gentle awakening approach and feeding technique. Try to wake baby during REM sleep. This lighter stage of sleep is recognized by fluttering eyelids, sleep grins, clenched fists, and limbs that are not limp. […]
Alternate Ways of Nursing When Weaning

Alternatives to Nursing I’ve been weaning my 23-month-old for quite some time (she was only nursing before naps and nighttime) then since I’m pregnant, my milk has stopped. It’s been a rough couple of days. Is it ok to offer a pacifier as an alternative to nursing? She never took one before but seems to […]
18-M-O Waking Every Hour to Breastfeed
“Help! My 18-month-old baby is waking up in our bed every hour to breastfeed. She has been doing this for months, and I just can’t take it anymore. I don’t want to completely wean her, but I need sleep. What do I do?” This is a dilemma faced by many parents who share a family […]
Taking Oral Contraceptives While Breastfeeding
Is it okay to take the birth control pill while breastfeeding? Yes, depending on which type of oral contraceptive it is. There are two areas of concern about taking birth control pills while breastfeeding: effects on milk production the possible effect of hormones on the baby. EFFECTS ON MILK PRODUCTION Some oral contraceptives contain both […]