Selecting Smart Supplements Let’s take a moment to talk about supplements. If we all lived in a perfect nutritional world—one where we grew our own food on our own farm, and ate only what we grew, fished, or hunted—we probably wouldn’t need nutrition in a pill. “Supplements” are just that. They fill in the nutritional […]
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Your Changing Body in the Fifth Month of Pregnancy

Physical Changes in the Fifth Month of Pregnancy As in the fourth month, both you and your baby grow rapidly during the fifth month of pregnancy. You will probably gain around five pounds, and your baby’s weight will nearly double. Naturally, you will feel these physical changes. During this month, women often exclaim: “All of […]
Healthy Weight Gain During Pregnancy

9 Questions on Healthy Weight Gain During Pregnancy It is usual to put on some extra weight while pregnant, but how much is too much? The answers to these nine questions about healthy weight gain during pregnancy prepare you with the knowledge of what to expect. 1. Q. How much weight is a healthy weight gain? […]
Average Breastfed Baby Weight Gain

Breastfed Baby Weight Gain A breastfed baby’s weight gain is one of the indicators of whether or not the mother is producing a sufficient amount of milk. New mothers are zealous weight watchers. While it’s not true that good weight gain is an index of good mothering, a baby’s weight gain may be some tangible […]
Elimination Diet While Breastfeeding

Elimination Diet for Breastfeeding Mothers Martha recommends the elimination diet in her lactation-counseling practice whenever she suspects a baby’s colic could be caused by sensitivities to food in a breastfeeding mother’s diet. This diet was developed by William G. Crook, M.D. (Detecting Your Hidden Allergies, Jackson, Tenn: Professional Books, 1987), and it has several variations, depending […]
12 Signs Your Baby is High Need

“Why is my baby so different? She is not like any of my friends’ babies. They sleep through the night. They’re happy being held by anyone. My friends don’t seem as tired as I am. What am I doing wrong?” Sound familiar? Your baby acts the way she does because that’s the way she is. […]
Foods That Cause Colic When Breastfeeding

Colic-Causing Foods to Watch For Mother-infant dining partners can enjoy a bountiful menu. But some babies are sensitive to certain foods in mother’s diet (See What’s Colic? Does Your Baby Have Colic? How to Tell). Colic-causing foods can enter your breast milk and upset your baby. This can happen as early as two hours after […]
Nutrition While Breastfeeding

Question: Do I need to be eating differently for better nutrition while breastfeeding? What do you recommend is best to eat? Answer: Since you are eating for two, you need to eat healthier for more nutrition while breastfeeding. Most mothers need to eat an extra 300-500 nutritious calories per day. The top nutritional deficiency in […]
Prevent Family Diabetes with Real Food

Does Your Family Have Diabetes? The headline on March 10, 2016 in the Los Angeles Times read: “Almost half in the state are at risk for diabetes.” While many have always thought those “granola-fed Californians” are a bunch of health food nuts, researchers from UCLA have recently determined that 55 percent of California adults either have diabetes or pre-diabetes. […]
Most and Least Allergenic Foods
Most and Least Allergenic Foods Most-Allergenic Foods berries buckwheat chocolate cinnamon citrus fruits coconut corn dairy products egg whites mustard nuts peas peanut butter pork shellfish soy sugar tomatoes wheat yeast Least-Allergenic Foods apples apricots asparagus avocados barley beets broccoli carrots cauliflower chicken cranberries dates grapes honey lamb lettuce mangoes oats papayas peaches pears poi […]
Getting Enough to Eat

How to Tell if Your Child is Getting Enough to Eat Most mothers and all grandmothers worry that children aren’t getting enough to eat. While few infants and children pack in enough food to satisfy their parents, the more important question is whether your child is eating enough of the right kind of foods to […]
31 Favorite Fruits and the Nutrients They Contain

31 Favorite Fruits and the Nutrients Let’s face it, our food preferences are based on taste, not nutrition, which is why fruit is such a great food. Fruit tastes sweet and interesting. They have an agreeable texture, crunchy like apples, smooth like a peach, and juicy like an orange. And most fruits are surprisingly nutritious. […]