How to Stop Sibling Rivalry and Promote Sibling Harmony As parents – and referees – of eight children, we have survived personality clashes, ability battles, attention tactics, and multiple mini-battles, only to conclude that sibling rivalry, like nightwaking, is one of the inevitable annoyances of having children. We also learned that the degree of sibling […]
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8-M-O Recently Started Night Waking

Baby Started Night Waking: What to Do? “My 8-month-old son used to sleep through the night just fine. But for the past 2 months, he started night waking 4 or 5 times a night fussing and wants to nurse. He sleeps in our bed with us. I know it may be teething, but I am […]
Average Breastfed Baby Weight Gain

Breastfed Baby Weight Gain A breastfed baby’s weight gain is one of the indicators of whether or not the mother is producing a sufficient amount of milk. New mothers are zealous weight watchers. While it’s not true that good weight gain is an index of good mothering, a baby’s weight gain may be some tangible […]
Parent-to-Parent: 21 Survival Tips for Parents of High Need Children

You Will Survive. Your Child Will Thrive. Life Will Go On. Still, it’s hard to imagine even wanting to have another baby after you’ve held this one all day and been awakened three or more times at night. It’s hard to envision someone ever saying to you, “How blessed you are to have such an […]
Aggressive Behavior in Toddler After New Baby

How to Stop Aggressive Behavior in Toddler Please help…my son (2.5 years old) is showing toddler aggressive behavior. He keeps attacking his dad (my husband) by hitting, punching, kicking, biting, screaming, growling, etc. He will occasionally do this to myself and his little brother albeit not as often. I have tried so many techniques to […]
Enjoying Sex While Pregnant

You Will feel Different about Sex While Pregnant Pregnancy can change your appetite for many of life’s simple pleasures, from making dinner to making love. How you will feel about sex while pregnant depends on your individual feelings about sex, your partner’s feelings and the physical and emotional changes of this particular pregnancy. We can […]