ADD Medications: How They Work, Are They Safe, and Side Effects ADD NOTE. To parents and professionals: Consider medication in addition to, but not instead of, other treatments, such as behavior and learning strategies. How Ritalin Works Every time you think or act, messages travel from one nerve to another telling the brain what to do. […]
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Meningitis – Causes, Symptoms & Treatment This is one of the most feared illnesses that worry many parents. Anytime a child complains of a headache and has a fever, the thought goes through the parent’s mind, “Could this be meningitis? Is it going around right now? Is my child going to have brain damage?” Meningitis is […]
Foreign Objects In the Nose

Identifying and Removing Foreign Objects In the Nose An article reported in the December 2015 issue of The Wall Street Journal called attention to how frequently children stuff harmful objects in the nose. The usual culprits were cherries, chickpeas, nuts, ladybugs, pebbles and, can you believe it, little flat batteries. While most of these were […]
Most and Least Allergenic Foods
Most and Least Allergenic Foods Most-Allergenic Foods berries buckwheat chocolate cinnamon citrus fruits coconut corn dairy products egg whites mustard nuts peas peanut butter pork shellfish soy sugar tomatoes wheat yeast Least-Allergenic Foods apples apricots asparagus avocados barley beets broccoli carrots cauliflower chicken cranberries dates grapes honey lamb lettuce mangoes oats papayas peaches pears poi […]
My Doctor Measured my Hemoglobin and it’s Normal. Could I still be anemic?
My Doctor Measured my Hemoglobin and it’s Normal. Could I still be anemic? A normal hemoglobin level does not necessarily indicate that you are not anemic, meaning your blood is not low in iron. Yet, the hemoglobin level obtained in your doctor’s office does not reflect total body stores of iron. It’s possible to have […]