Dr.Sears’ Suggestions on Co-Sleeping with Two Babies We are expecting our second child in a few short months, and we also co-sleep with our eighteen-month-old son. How can we safely co-sleep with two babies? In reading your question, the first thought that came to my mind was where there’s a will, there’s a way. You […]
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How to Say No

How to Say No Positively “No” is a power-packed word, quick on the lips, easy to say. Your child will hear you use this word often, and you will hear it from your child as well. It’s necessary for a parent to learn how to say “no” to a child so the child can later […]
Toddler Tantrums

Taming Toddler Tantrums My 18-month-old son throws terrible toddler tantrums. When he doesn’t want to do something, he often throws himself on the floor and kicks his arms and legs. I can barely bring myself to take him out in public because he throws tantrums so often. What can I do? Most toddlers throw temper […]
Night Weaning: How to Gently End Night Feedings

What is the Best Way to End Night Feeding? This is one of the top questions we get from our friends, from the parents of our little patients and our website followers. The night weaning information you are about to read is gleaned from Dr. Bill’s experience in fifty years of pediatric practice, Martha’s experience […]
My Toddler is Touching His Privates!

My son is almost 2 1/2. Ever since he was a newborn, he has been fascinated with sticking his hands in his diaper and feeling his penis. We understand that this is “self-soothing” and don’t want to make it seem like it is “bad” or “wrong” to touch his penis. However, it has been causing […]
Your Toddler Won’t Go To Bed

My Toddler Won’t Go to Bed My four-year-old thinks of a hundred excuses at bedtime, from a drink of water to one last kiss, to boogie men in the closet. Where should I draw the line when my toddler won’t go to bed? Bedtime Procrastination Explained Procrastinating at bedtime is a common ploy of young […]
12 Alternatives for the All-Night Toddler Nurser

Suggestions for Dealing with an All-Night Toddler Nurser Frequent night nursing is characteristic of high-need children. It’s like going to their favorite restaurant. The ambiance is peaceful, the server is familiar, the cuisine is superb, and they love the management. Who can blame the all-night gourmet? Yet as baby ages and turns into a toddler, […]
Aggressive Behavior in Toddler After New Baby

How to Stop Aggressive Behavior in Toddler Please help…my son (2.5 years old) is showing toddler aggressive behavior. He keeps attacking his dad (my husband) by hitting, punching, kicking, biting, screaming, growling, etc. He will occasionally do this to myself and his little brother albeit not as often. I have tried so many techniques to […]
12 Signs Your Baby is High Need

“Why is my baby so different? She is not like any of my friends’ babies. They sleep through the night. They’re happy being held by anyone. My friends don’t seem as tired as I am. What am I doing wrong?” Sound familiar? Your baby acts the way she does because that’s the way she is. […]
Chicken Skin (Keratosis Pilaris)

Chicken Skin: Ways to Treat Keratosis Pilaris Do you have any advice for chicken skin on a toddler? I have tried to eliminate so many different foods from my daughters diet but it will not go away. Is this just something we have to deal with ? Answer: “Chicken skin” in dermatological speak is called […]
Alternate Ways of Nursing When Weaning

Alternatives to Nursing I’ve been weaning my 23-month-old for quite some time (she was only nursing before naps and nighttime) then since I’m pregnant, my milk has stopped. It’s been a rough couple of days. Is it ok to offer a pacifier as an alternative to nursing? She never took one before but seems to […]
Toddler Vaginal Hygiene
Toddler Vaginal Hygiene “I have a 3-year-old granddaughter whom I care for once a week. I have been noticing lately that she has had quite a bit of Desitin that had been placed inside her vagina. Is this safe? My granddaughter is in preschool now has been taught to use the bathroom by herself however, […]