The chart below shows various types of breast pumps. It shows hand pumps as well as electric breast pumps. There are examples of popular brands that make the type of breast pumps listed. In addition, you will see the cost, advantages, disadvantages and comments about each type of pump.
There is also information about how each type of pump works and when one type of breast pump may be more useful than another kind.
Although each situation presents unique needs, there is usually a breast pump that can help in your situation.
E X A M P L E S | *Egnell Cylinder Hand Pump *Kaneson Comfort Plus Pump *Medela Spring Express Manual Breast Pump | *Egnell One-Hand Breast Pump *Pedal Pump Breast Pump *Avent Isis Breast Pump | *Medela Mini Electric *MagMag Gentle Expressions | *Playtex’s Embrace *Purely Yours (Egnell) *Pump In Style (Medela) *Nurture III | *Lactina Select *Egnell Elite | *SMB (Egnell) *Lact-E (Egnell) *Classic (Medela) | |
H O W I T W O R K S | Squeezing the bulb creates suction to draw the milk out | One plastic cylinder fits inside another. Pulling out the inner cylinder creates suction that draws milk from the breast. | Various mechanical means are used to create suction. | A small motor creates suction. Can be used with batteries or an electrical outlet. | Motor creates automatic suction-and-release cycles. (With the Nurture III pump, the mother must regulate suction and release.) | Better-quality motor used to generate automatic suction and release cycles | High-quality motor used to generate automatic suctions and release cycles. |
U S E F U L W H E N… | Mother is pumping milk for occasional separations from her baby—no more than once a day. | Mother is pumping milk for occasional separations from her baby—no more than once a day. | Mother is pumping milk for occasional separations from her baby and wants the convenience of automatic pumping. | Mother is pumping during daily separations from her baby. | Mother is pumping during daily separations from her baby or to establish and maintain a milk supply for a baby who cannot nurse at the breast. | Mother is pumping during daily separations from her baby or to establish and maintain a milk supply for a baby who cannot nurse at the breast | |
C O S T | Cheap | $20.00 -$35.00 | $30.00 -$35.00 | $50.00 -$100.00 (plus the cost of batteries and these must be replaced often) | $150.00-$300.00 | Rental rate approximately $55/month or $3/day, plus purchase of accessory kit (approx. $35.00). Rental rate is less if your agree to rent the pump for several months. | Rental rate approximately $55/month or $3/day, plus purchase of accessory kit (approx. $35). Rental rate is less if your agree to rent the pump for several months. |
A D V A N T A G E S | Simple, easy to clean, lightweight, can use anywhere | Simple, easy to clean, lightweight, can use anywhere. It’s possible to double-pump with the Medela PedalPump or if you use two of the Egnell or Avent pumps at the same time. | Small portable, can use anywhere. It’s possible to double-pump with the Medela Mini Electric. | Light, portable, quiet. Mother adjusts suction to her own comfort level. Pumps are designed for double-pumping. | Lighter than full-size pumps below; it’s possible to carry this pump to work. Effective, convenient, quiet. Pumps are designed for double pumping. Adjustable suction level. | The best pump for establishing and maintaining a milk supply when baby is unable to nurse at the breast. Effective, convenient, quiet. Pumps are designed for double-pumping. Adjustable suction level. | |
D I S- A D V A N T A G E S | Does not effectively empty the breast; suction may damage breast tissue. The bulb can’t be cleaned, so milk must be discarded. | Requires two hands and you can’t double-pump. Operating the pump becomes tiring. | Operating the pump becomes tiring. | Some require mother to regulate suction-and-release cycle. Noisy. Motor eventually wears out. Suction-and-release sycles are often much slower on less expensive electric pumps. | While these pumps are effective for most working mothers, some find they need a pump with more suction-and-release cycles per minute. | While these pumps are effective in most situations, some mothers find they can maintain a milk supply better with a full-size pump. | Heavy. Requires an electrical outlet. Some require a three-pronged outlet. |
C O M M E N T S | We don’t recommend this pump. | Medela Spring Express can be used with the company’s electric pumps. The spring in the cylinder makes pumping easier. | Hand pumps can also be used with the manufacturer’s electric pumps. | While the initial cost is less, this type of pump may be a bad bargain for the working mother who is pumping two or three times a day for several months. These pumps are not as effective at maintaining a milk supply as the more expensive models listed. | The pumps in this category are designed for the convenience of breastfeeding and working mothers. They can be purchased with tote bags for storing the pump, the milk, and other accessories, including rechargeable battery packs and adapters for a car’s cigarette lighter. | Battery packs are available so that these pumps can be used away from electrical outlets. | Not as good at emptying the breast as a baby who is latched on and sucking effectively, but this is the next best thing. |