As more and more families pass by the meat counter and head for the produce section of the supermarket, there is a garden of vegetarian information out there just for the picking. Here’s a brief sampling:
- “The Vegetarian Pages,” at, an Internet guide for vegetarians. This site contains many resources (books, articles, organizations, etc.).
- Vegetarian Times magazine, 800-829-3340, or
- The Vegetarian Child: A Complete Guide for Parents, by Lucy Moll (Perigree, 1997)
- Essential Vegetarian Cookbook, by Diana Shaw (Clarkson Potter, 1997)
- For a referral to a dietitian specializing in vegetarian nutrition, contact the American Dietetic Association at 800-366-1655 or
- Vegetarian Journal, a bimonthly publication of the Vegetarian Resource Group, PO Box 1463, Baltimore MD 21203; 410-366-VEGE or