Reduce the Risk of SIDS
SIDS Research
In light of new research, SIDS should no longer be considered a mysterious cloud that hangs over cribs and causes babies to take their last breath. Armed with a new understanding of SIDS, parents can at least do something to reduce their worry and reduce the risk of SIDS. SIDS seems to be a combination of many factors: immature development of cardiorespiratory control mechanisms, defective arousability from sleep in response to breathing difficulties, medical conditions that compromise breathing, and unsafe sleeping practices. Therefore, this SIDS risk-reduction program is designed to help these factors:
The Seven SIDS Risk-lowering Steps
- Give your baby a healthy womb environment.
- Do not allow smoke around your baby – pre or postnatally.
- Put your baby to sleep on his back or side, not on his stomach.
- Breastfeed your baby.
- Give your baby a safe sleeping environment.
- Avoid overheating your baby during sleep.
- Practice the “high-touch” style of attachment parenting.
Medical and family circumstances may prevent you from doing all seven of these risk-lowering practices, but do the best you can to reduce the risk of SIDS for your baby. If you are using a bedside bassinet, make sure if complies with safety standards, such as the Arm’s Reach® Co-Sleeper®.